Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well, "Near future", my hat... I must admit I have more or less forgotten - or ceased to care - about this blog, but now, updates will come in nearest future. I will tell you more later, but this blog is going through changes. Changes to the better. And it will be more interesting from now on. It will not be one of these of boring teenage girl blogs, with "Ooooh, look at the new dress I bought!" or "Top Fifteen Makeup Tips From Me! XoX!". It will be about things I find interesting. If my interests aren't interesting to you, you do not need to follow this blog. But stay tuned, more news on what all this will be about will come soonish. All I want to say now is that it's going to be about sports. And my opinions on the world in general. But mostly sports.

Perhaps I'll even make a header! :D