So. I’ve had another one of my crazy ideas. I don’t think I’ve posted
all that many of them here on the blog, but if you follow me on Twitter, you
might have seen a couple of them. Anyway, this one’s not all that crazy, because
it’s actually very doable and not really insane (though quite a lot of people
would probably call it weird at the
very least), if it weren’t for one tiny little thing: I can’t sew. Not with
needle and thread, not with a sewing machine.
I mean, I know the basics. I know how
you do it, I’m just not good at it.
At all. Not even a little. So I need your help. Yes, I need YOU, but I’ll come
back to that later. First, a little background and some explanation.
It all started at the midnight premiere for The Hobbit, in December
2012. I was really excited, and looking forward to the movie, the nostalgia
(OMG IT HAS THE SHIRE IN IT!!!) and, also, the costumes I would probably see at the midnight showing.
Well, the movie was good. Nostalgia and good memories of Lord of the
Rings marathons and such came back to me. But I was really disappointed,
because there were almost no costumes at all. I’m pretty sure I looked at every
single person there, and I saw only one group of people with costumes. I think
they were three or four (persons, not years old), and they were wearing cloaks.
Yeah, sure, nice enough and kudos and awesomepoints to them, but why weren’t
there more people with costumes? That made me really sad. I know my town isn’t
the largest, but it’s largeish, and
should, statistically, have more than four awesome people in it.
(You might have figured out where I’m going with this by now.)
So I’ve decided I have to fix that for the next premiere, this December.
And, you know, when something needs doing, it’s best to do it yourself. That
way, you can be sure it gets done, and, of course, that it gets done well. (Uhm, the last part, in this case,
we’ll have to see about, as I’m not very good at this.)
I have decided I will be Gandalf. My sister has also said that she wants
to join my project, but she’s not sure who she wants to be. Maybe her own Elf
in the game Lord of the Rings Online, maybe someone else. (I want her to her to
be Bilbo, because I’m slightly taller than her, so that would be appropriate.) She’s
also talked about getting some of her geeky friends to join us, I don’t know if
she’s asked them yet. But I will be Gandalf, that has been decided.
I’m not very good at making actual, physical things, because I am a
writer. I’ve made lots of things in my life, but all the best ones are made of
words. Obviously, I can’t make a costume out of words. (Well, I can, actually,
but it wouldn’t help me much in this case, so it’s not good enough.) I’ll need
cloth and thread and needles and probably a sewing machine. My mum has needles
and a sewing machine, and while I haven’t asked her yet, I can’t imagine a
world in which she won’t let me borrow them. Cloth and thread can be bought, so
that shouldn’t be a problem.
But, since I am awful at this, I’ll need patterns as well. Recipes.
Whatever they’re called. (I’ll go with patterns, I think.) And that is where my
problems begin.
Of course, I could probably go on the Internet and find a cheap costume
somewhere, but I don’t want a cheap costume, because they usually look like
what they are – cheap. I want a proper costume, one that looks realistic. If I
were to buy that, all finished and ready for use, I’d have to use a lot of
money. I don’t have a lot of money. At the moment, I barely have enough money
for contact lenses and gas each month. Soon I’ll hopefully be able to afford a
little bit more, because I seem to have found myself a job. (Yay!) I won’t be a
millionaire any time soon, but I’ll be able to buy what I need for this.
Oh. Yes. Back to the point. Patterns. I’ve been looking all over the
Internet for clues on how I’m going to make my Gandalf costume. It’s awfully difficult,
and I googled and clicked links for hours, and I found some things, but with my
limited sewing jargon (especially in English, which is not my mother tongue) it
was hard to understand much. I couldn’t even determine if it would be useful if
I knew all the terms.
There was one exception. I found a pattern for Gandalf’s hat, which I
think I’ll manage to get right:
But I still need a cloak, and a robe or tunic or whatever. I want my costume to
look as similar to Ian McKellen’s costume as possible, because I think it
screams Gandalf and anyone who’s read the books but not seen the movies would
recognise him anyway.
And that’s where you come in. I need help finding patterns for the cloak
and the robe. Also, I have an idea for
how to make the beard, but if you know something great about beard-making (keep
in mind that I can’t grow one!), let me know. I think every single person
reading this can help me in one way or another. Are you good at this, perhaps
so good that you can help me make a pattern? Do you know of any good patterns
for a Gandalf costume? Or a pattern that with small modifications can become
Gandalf’s clothes? Perhaps you can give me some tips on how to sew? (I have a
pretty amazing grandmother, and I can probably ask her for tips as well, but
all advice is welcome.) Maybe, if you by coincidence (or not, I’d be willing to
overlook that in this case) live nearby – or have lots of spare time and lots of
money so you can travel here – you can help me with the sewing itself? Maybe
you have advice on which kind of cloth I should choose.
“But I can’t do any of this!” you might be thinking. Well, you can still
help. I know you can. Perhaps you know something I haven’t already mentioned,
that you think might be useful. Or maybe you know someone else who might be
able and willing to help me.
“But I can’t do any of that either!” you say. Well, that’s fine. I
couldn’t help me either, so I don’t expect everyone else will be able to
either, but you can help me spread the word. I will be ever so grateful to
every single person willing to help me by telling other people about my little
project. Not because I want publicity, but because I want this to happen so
badly. And it won’t, without help from strangers. Perhaps your tweet is the one
thing that makes the right person see my plea for help?
If you have anything that might help me here, please don’t hesitate to contact
me through Twitter, comment on this post or send me an e-mail (morning_star dot
93 at hotmail dot com). I moderate the comments on this blog, so if you don’t
want your comment to go public, just let me know.
Thank you for reading! (I know, it’s long. I don’t know how to write
short posts, sorry.) Thank you so much if you share this post, or send me
ideas, tips or anything that might be of help. I love you.