Monday, October 4, 2010

Dearest Internet, Where Art Thou? + Random Stuff and 42 Day

I’ve discovered that the internet connection in our house seems to fail every night for half an hour-ish, maybe a bit longer (such as a whole effin’ hour!!!). I’m not really supposed to be on the internet in the middle of the night, because I’m meant to be sleeping, obviously, but I am. On the internet, that is. There’s so much fun going on in this world wide web, I’m having trouble closing Safari (that’s my browser, if you were wondering), turning off my MacBook, read a chapter or two in a good book (you can see which book(s) I’m reading on this very page! Wohoo!), and go to bed. I always think of something else I need to check, or I just have to wait a little longer to see if there’s anything fun happening on Twitter or CoS Forums. (Addicted? Me? To the internet? Or Twitter? Or CoS Forums? NO WAY!! Not true!! Never happening!!!!!!! Especially not that about CoS!!)

Uhm, anyway, it’s quite annoying. Internet connection failing, I mean. I’m not always sure whether it will come back or not. But I’m sitting here, 3 o’clock in the morning, because I can wait just a little bit longer to see if it comes back. I have four tabs open in Safari (from left to right,,, and, and two in Opera ( and, all of which I keep refreshing to see if the internet comes back and they finally load. That’s why I’m writing this post, really, because I’m bored waiting for the internet to come back and having the patience to wait just a little bit longer. Of course I won’t be posting this right away, because obviously the internet isn’t here (which is, as I said, the reason why I’m writing this), but I will when it comes back.

Of the six tabs I have open, I was only actually using Twitter. And I have another window open in Safari (, but I’m not refreshing that one because I was going to start watching another video when internet disappeared, and if I refresh the page I won’t remember which one. Yeah, my memory is terrible. I know it. (Also, how I came over that particular YouTuber is explained in a way later in this post. It is Totally Awesome, the ‘how’-part. Also, most of the videos on that page are quite awesome too, and hilarious at times, but little can be as awesome as the ‘how’-part. Especially if it had been me.)

As you understand, I’m really really bored now, and because I don’t want to sleep I’m waiting for the internet connection to come back. All I can do is keep listening to Megalomania (I love that song, I’ve queued so much on Spotify I’ve been listening to it for the last hour or so (when I’ve not been watching videos on YouTube, obviously), and I intend to continue listening to it because I love it so much), keep refreshing those pages, and don’t lose the hope. Or panic.

Apropos panicking, did you know that Sunday is 42 Day? (If you’re such a hoopy frood you already know about 42, you can skip to the part starting with “Anyway, 42 Day.”)

If you’re wondering what’s so special about the number 42, I can tell you that it is the answer to THE Ultimate Question. 42 is the answer to Life, the Universe, and EVERYTHING.

What is the Ultimate Question, you ask? Well, no one is really sure. There are some theories going around about that. I’m in favour of the one saying that if we knew both the Ultimate Question AND the Ultimate Answer (42, that is), the Universe would stop existing. So obviously it’s just as well that we don’t know the Question as well as the Answer. If that theory is right, of course.

Some say 6x9 is 42. I can agree with that, too.

Anyway, 42 Day. It’s on Sunday. Sunday the 10th of October 2010. Even if you are a hoopy frood, you might wonder why exactly this day in particular is 42 Day. Well duh, because 101010 (10.10.10; or 10/10-10; or the 10th of the 10th month of the year (October) of the 10th year of the century/millennia (2010)), is 42 if you’re talking binary numbers, of course! If you don’t know much about binary numbers, I could show you why 1010102 (that little 2 means it’s a binary number) is 42, but I can’t be bothered right now, no matter how bored I am, and anyway, if you didn’t already know 1010102=42, you probably wouldn’t understand my confusing explanation. It’s very obvious to me, but of course I’ve learned it in school and I am also gifted with a brain that actually understands the logic that is Maths.

(At this point, I’m closing Opera, which is also a browser (I forgot to mention that earlier), because I can’t see how refreshing six pages instead of four makes the internet come back sooner. Also, it’s a bit inconvenient, switching between two windows rather than having everything in one.)

So the 10th of October is 42 Day, and I’m jumping up and down in excitement and anticipation. I’m a bit sad it’s on a Sunday, actually. If it’d been a normal weekday, I would have written 6x9=42 on the blackboard, and if it had been on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday I would’ve written it on the blackboard in the maths classroom, and the teacher would think I’m terrible at maths. I would also have brought my Towel to school and shown it proudly to the world, and maybe I would even have written 42 on my forehead. (Mirrored, of course, since I would be writing it looking in a mirror, and writing something mirrored while looking in a mirror so that it becomes right for people who are not looking at you in a mirror is pretty difficult.) Well, maybe not, since it would be quite hard to wash away (or rather, scrub away, which it would probably end up being, since I, in my stupidity, would probably write it with something saying ‘permanent’ on its case and meant for marking clothes. It’s not easy to get away from skin. Trust me, I’ve tried), but the thought is nice.

If 42 Day were on a Saturday, I would make a large sign saying ‘42, stick it on my back, and walked around in town as if it were normal to walk around in town with a large sign saying ‘42’ on your back. It should be normal on 42 Day, of course. I might also have written 42 on my forehead, but probably not, for the reasons already mentioned.

As it is, with 42 Day on a Sunday, I might be making 42 Day cakes (, I will be Twittering about it, I will be mentioning it on Facebook, and also on CoS Forums. And maybe I’ll write another blog post about it. (Think about that! If I do, it will be my second blog post in just a week! WOW!!!) I could also write 42 on my forehead, but as I’ve already mentioned (twice now, in a way, except that the last mention was just a lazy I’ve-already-said-this, just like this is), I have good reasons not to.

I will also say HAPPY 42 DAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and generally be mentioning 42 Day a lot to my cousin, eplemosen, and my other Twitter followers will probably get sick of it too. Too bad for them!

(I should probably, by now, have linked to my Twitter, but if you are reading this then you have likely followed a link to here from Twitter, so I can’t see the point. If you’re not from Twitter, you very likely found a link to my blog on CoS Forums. If that’s the case, and you’re interested in my Twitter, just Owl me. (I don’t bite, promise! Anyway, I don’t think you’ll taste good either, no offence.) And if you are one of my Twitter followers, I apologise in advance for pestering you about 42 Day. I’ve already started, with linking to this post!)

Also, I don’t know if you’ve seen this picture already (I’m [THIS IS SENSORED SINCE IT IS VERY PROBABLY NOT A FAMILY FRIENDLY WORD] jealous, can you imagine, both Neil Gaiman and the TARDIS??????!?), but there’s an explanation here, and did I mention I am jealous? Visiting the TARDIS (obviously just a prop for the TV series, not the real one, since the Doctor is using it to save the universe, and probably avoiding the filming crew and actors and directors and writers and fans and stuff because he doesn’t want us to know he really exists, because we’d probably bother him to death if we knew he was real), and meeting Neil Gaiman, one of my absolute favourite writers ever (he’ll never take Tolkien’s special writer-place in my heart, though) and also my favourite Twitter stalkee, is two of my biggest nerdiest super-geek dreams.

And WHAMM!! after more than an hour’s absence, the internet is back, so I guess I should stop writing this and start posting it.

Also, now the internet connection is working properly again, maybe I can go to sleep?